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Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage

This course aims to provide a gentle introduction to the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage and it can also act as a refresher for those wanting to update their knowledge. It will introduce you to some of the key documents and legislation that relate to Early Years providers, the process for registering with Ofsted and the various policies and procedures that need to be in place. It also covers learning and development requirements, how to observe and assess the progress of children in your care and the safeguarding and welfare requirements laid out in the EYFS Framework.

Approved by CPD

Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage

  • 60 mins*

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Online Short Courses

₹ 1999

Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage

Approved by CPD

This course is aimed at anyone who uses abrasive wheels, or employs people who use abrasive wheels as part of their work. It covers different types of abrasive wheel, safety in their use and how to identify the type of wheel.<br><br>

<b>Duration - 100 mins<b>

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